It is not pleasant for anyone to stain their favorite clothing or fabric, especially if it is a stain that is difficult to remove.
We assure you that a difficult stain does not necessarily mean invincible.
Below you will find tips for dealing with persistent stains by finding a solution to any problem you have.
Eliminate all the stains easily by following the steps below.
Stain Treatment Tips
Stains from oil or tomato sauce
Oil stains
1) Moisten with some gasoline and then pour talcum powder. Brush and wash normally. If the fabric is not washed, then simply brush thoroughly after the oil has been absorbed by the talcum powder.
2) Pour boiling water first and then baking soda or ammonia and water
Tomato sauce Stains
1) Soak in a solution of hot water and glycerin for an hour. Then wash normally.
2) If you don’t react quickly, you’ll find it hard to make him disappear. Immediately scrub the stain with plenty of liquid detergent and leave it for a while. Then wash the garment normally.
Stains from makeup, lipstick or chewing gum
Stains from Makeup
Moisten the stain with liquid detergent and let it act. Wash normally. You can also try and non-greasy liquid makeup remover.
Lipstick Stains
1) Lipstick stains disappear If you scrub them with facial lotion. Then wash the garment with detergent.
2) Rub the stain with white alcohol and moisten it with liquid detergent. Wash the garment, adding, if necessary, a few drops of ammonia in the water. Rinse thoroughly.
Chewing gum Stains
Put the garment in the freezer to tighten the gum and peel off the pieces, which will break like glass.
Stains of blood, urine or sweat
Blood stains
1) White Fabric: Dip it in cold water and rub the stain with diluted (in water) hydrogen peroxide. Let the fabric soak for some time in water with bleach and then wash normally. 2) coloured or sensitive fabric: cover the stain with a mixture that you will make from flour and water (in texture paste like toothpaste). Let the paste dry, brush the spot and wash the fabric normally. 3) Woollen Fabrics: Rub the stain with aspirin dissolved in a little water and then wash according to the instructions on the label of the garment.
Urine Stains
Rinse thoroughly with cold water and immediately wash normally. If the stain has already dried, soak the garment in water with liquid detergent and then wash normally. For stubborn stains, soak it briefly in hydrogen peroxide.
Sweat stains
Rub them with a mixture of diluted vinegar, or diluted with water lemon juice.
Stains of ink, wax or mold
Ink Stains
1) If the ink came from a ballpoint pen and the stained fabric is cotton, put a cotton swab on the reverse side of the stain and rub it with another piece of cotton dipped in milk. If you are talking about pen ink in white fabric, soak the garment briefly in lukewarm water with bleach and then rinse thoroughly. If the fabric is coloured, soak it for many hours in lukewarm milk and rinse it with water and lemon. If the fabric is synthetic, rub the stain with half a lemon. 2) Start wiping the area around the stain with rubbing alcohol slowly towards its center. Then place it upside down on clean white kitchen paper and pass with alcohol from the back of it. Change the paper frequently and continue the process until no ink comes out. Rinse thoroughly, scrub the area with liquid detergent and wash the fabric at the highest temperature indicated on the label. 3) Soak the garment in milk or clean with hydrogen peroxide and water.
Wax Stains
Scrape the wax that was left on the surface of the fabric. Put the fabric between 2 pieces of paper towels, a bag or absorbent kitchen towel and iron until the wax melts and is absorbed by the paper. Then gently scrub with a cloth or sponge moistened with gasoline and wash normally.
Mold Stains
1) Soak the white (cotton) in bleach solution for 10 minutes. Wash white or coloured at the highest permissible temperature. 2) Dissolve soap and cover the stains. Then pour salt and leave the clothes in the sun while constantly keeping the spots moist. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
Stains from fruit juices, chocolate or coffee
Fruit Juice Stains
1) Wash with as hot a detergent solution is indicated for the fabric. Continue with ammonia solution and after vinegar. Good drying with absorbent cloth or paper should be prepared between each procedure. In the end rinse the stain with water and wipe thoroughly until it dries completely. 2) Ξεπλύνετε καλά το λεκέ με κρύο νερό και μετά πλύνετε με απορρυπαντικό. Αν ο λεκές έγινε σε άσπρο ύφασμα, αφήστε το να μουλιάσει σε νερό με λίγη αμμωνία, ξεπλύνετε το πολύ καλά και βάλτε το να μουλιάσει πάλι σε νερό με χλωρίνη. Αν το ύφασμα είναι χρωματιστό, τρίψτε το λεκέ με οξυζενέ, προσθέτοντας λίγες σταγόνες αμμωνίας.
Chocolate Stains
1) Remove as much chocolate as you can and then scrub the stain with liquid detergent. Rinse with cold water and wash the garment normally. 2) Remove as much as you can with a spatula or an unsharp knife and then apply a cold detergent solution. Continue with ammonia solution and then vinegar if the stain is not removed with the first step. Finally, rinse thoroughly with water and dry.
Coffee Stains
Do not let the stain dry. Wash immediately with lukewarm water and bleach detergent. 1) White fabrics: moisten the stain with hydrogen peroxide and then rinse thoroughly. 2) Coloured fabrics: Let it soak in cold water with a little ammonia. 3) Woolen: Rub the stain with egg yolk dissolved in water and wash with special detergent for wool.
Stains from paint, glue or grease
Paint Stains
Use a solvent similar to that contained in the paint composition (after trying it out in an unseen corner of the fabric to make sure it is holding). If the stain was made from acrylic paint, cover it immediately with blotter, which will wet with plenty of dishwashing liquid. Leave for a while and then wash normally. If the stain is on oil paint, rub the point with a little turpentine, soak the fabric in water with liquid detergent and then wash it normally.
Glue Stains
If the adhesive is transparent, rub the stain with a little nail polish remover (Caution the fabric can be undyed) or with a special solvent for synthetic paints. If it is white and viscous, wash the cloth with cold water and rub the stain with a mixture of water and ammonia. Rinse thoroughly. If it is based on vinyl, rub the stain with a little vinegar dissolved in water.
Grease Stains
Cover the stain with talcum powder, leave 3 minutes and brush very vigorously. Wash the garment at the maximum permissible temperature. If the fabric is white cotton, rub the stain with gasoline for lighters and wash with hot water and detergent. For wool, rub the stain with cloth soaked in turpentine and wash with liquid detergent.
Stains of mud, grass or rust
Mud Stains
1) Mud is one of the few stains that we have to wait to dry. That’s because brushing will easily peel off most of her molecules. Brush the stain thoroughly and wash the garment at the highest permissible temperature indicated on its label. 2) Grate with a solution of 30 ml of soda cleaning and 250 ml of hot water.
Grass Stains
If the stain is large, rub it softly with white alcohol, rinse well with cold water and wash normally. If it does not discipline or if the fabric is sensitive, soak it in cold and then wash it with lukewarm water and liquid detergent. Rinse with cold water, to which you will add a bit of hydrogen peroxide. Rinse again with cold water and a little vinegar.
Rust Stains
1) The rust marks are difficult to remove and the use of any bleach is contraindicated because it will make them permanent. However, small stains can be removed either by using antirust or by repeated attempts with lemon juice and salt without letting the fabric dry in between. A good rinse and washing with liquid detergent will complete the process. 2) grate with salt and lemon juice. Leave it in the sun to dry.
Stains from beer or wine
Beer stains
Apply detergent solution and dry with an absorbent cloth. If the stain persists, use vinegar solution and let it dry on its own. Rinse with water and dry thoroughly.
Wine Stains
1) Pour salt and let it stay for half an hour. Then scrub with a sponge dipped in hot water with detergent. Rinse with cold water. 2) Whatever the color of the wine, absorb the liquid as it is done with a cloth. Wash with a cold detergent solution and then vinegar and ammonia without skipping the intermediate drying. Rinse with water.
Wine Stains on Carpet
At the spot of the stain, pour enough salt or soda food and leave it until it absorbs the stain. Then swipe it with the vacuum cleaner.
Stains of milk, egg or ice cream
Milk Stains
Whether fresh or old, milk stains should first be frozen in cold water before washing with a detergent solution. Ammonia and vinegar solutions are indicated if it is a stain that persists, finishing each with a good rinse and drying.
Egg stains
Remove with a cloth or paper towel as much as you can. Start with a solution of detergent and drying and, if necessary, continue with cold ammonia solution. Complete rinsing with water and good drying.
Ice cream Stains
Start with a solution of detergent and continue with ammonia and vinegar solution. Rinse thoroughly with water and dry the area.